About Me

Ben Smith (he/him)
I am a freelance theatre sound engineer based in London, working as a sound operator for musicals and plays: I have worked on Regional productions, National and International Tours, and in the West End. I am confident mixing musicals, including working with actor-musicians, click-tracks, and in large venues, as well as looking after backstage as a Sound No. 2.
I also have experience in sound design for theatrical productions, concerts and live events.
I maintain a collection of scripts for Figure 53’s Qlab, as well as a few simple scripts to make working with Reaper easier in a live theatre environment - the reaper scripts can be installed via the package manager Reapack, allowing you to keep the scripts up to date. I have also worked on a small application which allows you to remotely display the position of the playhead on a Qlab cue list - ideal for anyone remotely operating a cue list during a show!
In addition, I have recently learnt some simple web development, put to use on the site you’re looking at right now!